When you are stopped for DUI in Washington, there are specific and affirmative steps you need to take in order to protect your driving privileges.
Steps of DUI Criminal Process
The links below outline and explain the main steps in the criminal proceeding. Visit these pages to learn more about the DUI criminal process:
After your arrest, two separate processes begin: an Administrative Proceeding and a Criminal Proceeding.
Administrative Proceeding
An administrative proceeding will be conducted through the Washington Department of Licensing (DOL). The DOL has the power to suspend your driver’s license based upon a DUI arrest. A full consideration of all of the issues related to the DOL process can be found in our DOL section.
Criminal Proceeding
The criminal law process is the one that people tend to have the greatest concerns over. The outcome of this process affects more than just your driving privileges. Your criminal record, possibility of jail, alcohol treatment, fines, probation as well as a license suspension are all at stake.
Factors to Consider
There are certainly differences depending upon which jurisdiction you are in, but this will serve as a good over view. Of course, each case is unique and yours may be settled very quickly without trial or may follow each step over the course of several months. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact one of our Washington DUI attorneys for a consultation.