If you were arrested for a Bothell DUI (in the city of Bothell by the Bothell Police Department) your case will be filed in the Bothell Municipal Court. The filing of your DUI in Bothell means that the prosecutors working on your case will be from the Bothell City Attorney’s office and the judge will be the appointed judge for the city of Bothell or possibly a Pro Tem judge.
Bothell DUI Case Filing and Arraignment
At this time, DUI cases that are filed in Bothell may take two to six weeks to be filed, though in some cases, if you are booked directly into jail, you may be required to be before a judge within 72 hours. You shouldn’t wait before speaking with a Bothell DUI lawyer. Your privilege to drive is at risk of administrative suspension through the Washington Department of Licensing. You have 20 days from the date of your DUI arrest to request an administrative hearing. There are also several steps that you can begin working on now that will ultimately be helpful in the preparation and negotiation of your case. By being proactive you and your Bothell DUI attorney will be prepared when your case is filed. This will ultimately save you money, time and stress when your case is filed.
In Bothell, the prosecutors will often ask for conditions of release that will require you to be proactive and prepared. Individuals with prior DUI history can expect that the City will request a large bail amount for their continued release. As of January 1, 2010, a new judge will take the bench in Bothell Municipal Court. It will be difficult to know, in the first few weeks at least, how the new judge will respond to the City’s pretrial release conditions requests. Having retained experienced DUI attorneys, you will have the benefit of our insights into the issues around these conditions and the judge who will be presiding over your case. This will influence not only the conditions of your release but the future outcome of your case as well.
Bothell DUI Case Scheduling
At the time of arraignment, two future hearings will be set; a pretrial hearing and a trial date. The pretrial date is generally set about four weeks after the arraignment. The trial date is set about one month after that. Just because a trial date is set at the time of arraignment doesn’t necessarily mean the case will go to trial on that date. Several things could occur that might change or cancel the trial date. For a full discussion on what to expect at these hearings, visit our Washington DUI Process section. For specific questions on the Bothell DUI process, contact one of our Washington DUI attorneys for immediate assistance.
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